KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida

KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida

9210 Visitors:
Address: Lefkadi
Area: Chalkida
Telephone: 6972573271
Mobile: 6944326846
P.C.: 34002
Category: CRANES
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
At Koutoulas' company, we undertake the transport and lifting of your loads with safety, reliability and professionalism. We are a company with many years of experience in the industry, having the appropriate equipment and specialized staff to meet the needs of each customer. Whether it's freight transport, special transport or heavy lifting, we're here to help. We undertake work throughout Evia and throughout the prefecture of Attica....
9210 Visitors:

Lefkadi, Chalkida

9210 Visitors:

At Koutoulas' company, we undertake the transport and lifting of your loads with safety, reliability and professionalism. We are a company with many years of experience in the industry, having the appropriate equipment and specialized staff to meet the needs of each customer.

Whether it's freight transport, special transport or heavy lifting, we're here to help.

We undertake work throughout Evia and throughout the prefecture of Attica.


KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida CRANES
KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida TRANSPORTATION
KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida CRANE TRANSPORTATION
KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida LIFT WORKS
KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida PRUNING WITH A LIFT
KOUTOULAS | Cranes Chalkida Evia - Cranes transport Koutoulas - Crane transports Chalkida - Lifting works Chalkida - Cranes Lefkandi Chalkida SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION
9210 Visitors:


Telephone: 6972573271
Mobile: 6944326846

Working Hours
